A completely revised version of our myPHILIPP APP is now available. Focus is based on the transport and mounting systems for prefabricated elements at first. The range of functions is through regular updates in the product groups
- Wire ropes, lifting & lashing technology, accident protection
- Hydraulics, cylinder and aggregate construction
still to be completed that you have full access to our wide range of products and you will be informed digitally.
The main parts of the current version are our installation instructions for transport and mounting systems as well as helps for planners and architects. Compared to the previous version, the new APP is much clearer, always up to date and easier to use.
You can find the myPHILIPP APP in the Apple App Store and soon as well in Google Play Store in German language and shortly in English.
In detail, this app has the following information:
- Installation instructions
- CAD drawings
- Animated films
- Safety instructions
- News
- Actions and much more
Get the app running: Please scan the corresponding QR code or search for keyword „myPHILIPP“ in App store or soon in Google Play Store.